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Mental Health Info Directory

Employment & Training

  • Outreach East

    Looking for work, training . . .
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  • Redbridge Connexions Service
    We area an information, advice, guidance (IAG) and supportservice. We work with vulnerable young peo . . .
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  • Redbridge Employment Service (Richmond Fellowship)
    The Redbridge Employment Service (Richmond Fellowship) provides information, advice and guidance on . . .
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  • Redbridge Institute of Adult Education (RIAE)
    Redbridge Institute of Adult Education (RIAE) is the borough's main provider of courses for adults w . . .
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  • Richmond Fellowship - Redbridge Community Options
    Redbridge Community Options aims to help people experiencing mental health challenges regain their c . . .
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  • Together: Working for Wellbeing
    Together is a national charity working alongside people with mental health issues on their journey . . .
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  • Vol Club
    Vol Club is a weekly club which supports and helps people with lived experience of mental health pro . . .
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  • Work Redbridge - Work Clubs
    Work clubs are designed for: confidence building; employment support; advice and help with CV's and . . .
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Redbridge Concern for Mental Health
98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex