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  • Redbridge Voices
    During 2014, Redbridge Disability Consortium, held a number of focus groups with people from the Deaf, vision impaired, hard of hearing and disabled communities to talk about and explore the day-to-day challenges of daily life in Redbridge

  • Having Our Say - Redbridge Council Budget Consultation Response 2016
    In the current economic climate, as public services are cut – we strongly believe - that fairness matters more than ever. It is incumbent on Redbridge, Council to ensure that we improve the quality of life for everyone who lives and works in Redbri

  • Redbridge Mental Health Festival - November 2015
    The Mental Health Festival was organised by the Redbridge Institute Learning in mind team in collaboration with Redbridge Concern for Mental Health.

  • Response to London borough of Redbridge - Parking Consultation
    With rush hour traffic and limited parking driving into Redbridge can bea trial. Yet, how often do you have to worry about the kerb being too high or too low to get out of your car?

  • Redbridge Budget Consultation Response - Jan 2015
    People with lived experience of mental health problems and other disabled groups in Redbridge believe that they are bearing the brunt of the cuts. Indeed, the feeling is that progress on equality is going backwards.

  • Hate Crime Reduction Strategy Consultation Response, September 2014
    The Mayor’s vision is for London “to be the safest global city on earth”. This includes helping communities to have the confidence to report hate crime and know that the police and partners will respond appropriately to their needs.

  • Review of the operation of Sections 135 and 136 of the Mental Health Act
    “I know of a female who just wanted to get her toothbrush and toiletries and the Police just piled in on her and didn’t let her get her own personal things and didn’t treat her with dignity and respect in her own home. This is a women who is s

  • Consultation Response - Redbridge Housing Strategy, March 2014
    “'I am a disabled person from a Muslim background. I have physical difficulties as well as mental health problems. In the past 16 months, I have moved into three different private accommodations within the borough."

  • Response to Redbridge Budget Consultation, 2014
    In the current economic climate as public services are cut – we strongly believe - that fairness matters more than ever. It is incumbent on Redbridge, Council to ensure that we improve the quality of life for everyone who lives and works in Redbrid

  • Response to Care Bill, February 2013
    We have detailed a list of amendments which our organisations: Redbridge Disability Consortium and Centre for Independent and Inclusive Living – Redbridge strongly believe will help make the Care Bill better for disabled people.

  • Response to the consultation on the PIP assessment 'moving around' activity
    We have serious concerns about the reduction from 50 to 20 meters the assessment of the distance one is able to stand and walk. This shorter distance was chosen without prior consultation or solicitation of the views of disabled people

  • Response on the proposals for judicial review cases, in the Ministry of Justice consultation paper Transforming legal aid:
    Access to the Legal Aid system is not normally a topic of conversation we often have with our membership. However, the proposed changes to the legal aid system that have the aim of cutting costs and save money has caused great concern.

  • Response to Redbridge Budget Consultation, 2013
    In the current economic climate as public services are cut we strongly believe that fairness matters more than ever. It is incumbent on Redbridge,Council to ensure that we improvethe quality of life for everyone who lives and works in Redbridge, mak

  • Looking after your mental health
    To celebrate world mental health day we have produced a guide on steps we can all take to improve our mental wellbeing.

  • Response to Draft Redbridge Health and Well Being Strategy
    Mental illness is the largest single source of burden of disease in the UK. No other health condition matches mental illness in the combined extent of prevalence, persistence and breadth of impact.

  • Goodmayes

    Redbridge Concern for Mental Health's response to NELFT's Draft Patient Experience Strategy
    Involvement of service users and carers in the design and monitoring of service delivery, and in the definitions of service quality and outcomes, is essential.

  • Loxford polyclinic 2

    Response from Redbridge Concern for Mental Health - NHS outer north east London Draft primary care strategy for 2012/17
    The strategy lacks narrative and detail in a number of fundamental and key areas. For instance, the strategy is largely silent on the inextricable link between mental health and physical health.

  • Ilford Town Hall

    Adult Social Care Budget Consultation Response 2012
    We trust that Redbridge Council will remain committed to ensuring that services and support for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our community are maintained, developed and improved to ensure that they have the same opportunities and

  • Run Up Logo

    Report examining the impact of Redbridge Freedom Passes
    Run-Up has spent over a year investigating mental health service users' concerns over Redbridge Council's Freedom Pass Local Enhancement Scheme and how the withdrawal of passes can impact adversely on mental well-being.

  • Long Term Conditions

    Concern for Mental Health's response to Redbridge Council's Draft Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy
    Mental illness is the single largest source of burden of disease in the UK. No other health condition matches mental illness in the combined extent of prevalence, persistence and breadth of impact

  • Goodmayes

    Concern for Mental Health's response to NELFT's Recovery and Social Inclusion Strategy, 2011-2013
    We are particularly disappointed, therefore, to find out that thinkarts has been decommissioned especially as it has been a flagship in challenging social exclusion, stigma and discrimination

  • Ilford Town Hall

    Concern for Mental Health's response to Redbridge Councils 2011 Budget Consultation
    In the current economic climate as public services are cut - we strongly believe - that fairness matters more than ever.

  • Disability Living Allowance

    Concern for Mental Health's response to the Government's proposal to reform Disability Living Allowance
    Redbridge Concern has expressed its concerns that the proposals impact unfairly on the lives of people with mental health conditions.

  • Local Authority Cuts

    Concern for Mental Health's response to proposed local authority cuts
    "The strong do as they wish, while the poor suffer as they must." Why are mental health services being targeted?

  • Goodmayes

    Concern for Mental Health's response to the Health for north east London Consultation, March 2010
    Redbridge Concern has expressed its concerns that the consultation does not address the needs of people with mental health conditions.

  • The role of faith in mental health: A report of six focus groups with Redbridge faith communities, February 2009
    This report outlines the findings of six focus groups with faith communities in Redbridge on the subject of mental health.

  • 'Barriers to Seeking Help' - What stops ethnic minority groups in accessing mental health services?
    This reports examines what stops ethnic minority groups in Redbridge accessing mental health services.

  • Draft Mental Health Promotion, Well Being and Social Inclusion Strategy
    We have produced a draft Mental Health Promotion Strategy. If you have any comments, suggestions or examples of good practice please email: .

  • Roots to Routes, July 2007
    The community led research project focussing on the experience of people from black, asian and minority ethnic groups in adult acute mental health settings in Redbridge

  • Your Service, Your Recovery, October 2006

  • Nelmht Service Users' Strategy, July 2006

  • Nelmht Carers' Strategy, July 2006

  • Inequality Rather Than Want is the Cause of Trouble, March 2006
    An article explaining the importance of addressing social and economic conditions as well as lifestyles, as a means of improving health in Redbridge.

  • Improving mental health services in Redbridge

  • Choosing Health In Redbridge - Community Engagement, November 2005
    A report detailing a series of promises made by the PCT and the voluntary and community sector.

  • Response to Positive Futures, July 2005
    A voluntary sector response to the Redbridge mental health service consultation.

  • Community Caseloads Review of Working Age Adults and Older People's Mental Health Services in Redbridge, July 2005
    A review of community caseloads for mental health services provided to both adults and older people.

  • Service User Consultation - Meaningful Activity in Redbridge, June 2005
    A report capturing the views of local mental health service users with regards to employment, training and meaningful occupation.

  • Response to the consultation on the PIP assessment 'moving around' activity
    We have serious concerns about the reduction from 50 to 20 meters the assessment of the distance one is able to stand and walk. This shorter distance was chosen without prior consultation or solicitation of the views of disabled people

Redbridge Concern for Mental Health
98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex