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Events Calendar

NELFT NHS Foundation Trust Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Start: 17:00
Finish: 19:00

NELFT NHS Foundation Trust is inviting all members of the public, including stakeholders and members, to its Annual General Meeting.The NELFT AGM will give local people the chance to hear about the achievements the trust has made over the past financial year and a look ahead to the next 12 months.

There will be the opportunity for members of the public, service users and patients, carers and voluntary organisations to meet members of the NELFT executive management team, including the chief executive, and take part in a ‘Question Time-style’ panel with leaders from across the organisation. There will also be information stalls from a range of our services and the opportunity to talk with staff.

NELFT chief executive John Brouder said: "We would like as many local people as possible to come along to our AGM so that they can see our work to date and what we plan to do in the future for local healthcare. It is very important to us to work with local people, partners and key stakeholders so we want them to take this opportunity to get involved

For further information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Helen Essex, NELFT trust secretary, on ;

Venue: CEME Centre, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU

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Redbridge Concern for Mental Health
98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex