RUN-UP (Redbridge User Network User Pressure Group)
RUN-UP is a user led service for people experiencing mental health problems and their carers.
Read the latest Run-Up newsletter
March 2012
RUN-UP research and reports
Report on Freedom Passes, July 2011
How can we help service users?
- By offering a safe place for service users to express their experiences of service provision
- To offer information to users about available services
- By providing training so service users can participate in and make meaningful contributions in different committees, meetings and forums
There are no charges to attend but we do ask service users to pay for refreshments.
Our Aims
- To ensure that users will have proper representation to assert their needs and rights.
- To make our service available to them through knowledge, information on social policies, locally and nationally.
- To exercise a responsible but strong pressure on local issues such as housing, benefits, employment, and mental health services for the promotion of users rights.
- To do this without prejudice of age, race, colour, religion, sexuality and disability.
Our society finds it hard to deal with mental distress and sometimes responds by marginalising those who experience it.
Those experiencing mental distress do so as a result of many factors, both social and personal issues, such as homelessness, unemployment, discrimination, bereavement, abuse in childhood, or a mixture of these.
As an independent service Run-Up wants to see changes in local and national policies; in user led mental health services; in the rights to choose a better way of life; in the right to access community services; in the right to know about medical treatments and side effects; in the right to choose alternative treatments, such as homeopathy, acupuncture etc; in the right to live in the community without harassment or prejudice.
RUN-UP Newsletter Archive
March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
August 2011
July 2011
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
January 2011
December 2010
August 2010
April 2010
February 2010
November 2009
June 2009
May 2009
March 2009
January 2009
March 2008
January 2008
November 2007
September 2007
July 2007
February 2006
To find out more, please contact:
Nikki Sharp |
Tel/Fax: |
ext 7891 |
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