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Forced to return your Motability vehicle because of PIP?- Evidence needed for PIP second independent
23 August 2016

Are you being forced toreturn your Motability vehicle because of the change in eligibility criteriafor the enhanced rate of the mobility component of Personal IndependencePayment (PIP)? The criteria was changed from 50 metres under Disability LivingAllowance (DLA) to 20 metres under PIP. Has the return of your Motabilityvehicle affected your ability to stay or return to employment?

Please let me know what theimpact of returning your Motability vehicle has had on you, by emailing meon: Your experience will inform Inclusion London’s evidence to the secondindependent review of PIP.

Information about the secondindependent review of PIP is available at:

We would also welcomeevidence other areas of the PIP application process e.g. your experience of thePIP assessment or Mandatory reconsideration, more information is available at:

Please send me yourevidence by 5th September.

More information:

Redbridge Concern for Mental Health
98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex