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Making your Voice Heard in Hainault
25 February 2016

  • Do you live in Hainault?
  • Would you like to be able to have more of a say in local affairs?
  • Do you think the voices of Hainault people are heard by the local Council, NHS, police and others?
  • Do you run or use a voluntary or community group in the area?

Would you like to improveyour knowledge and skills so you’re more effective when communicating withorganisations like the police, local government, schools and the NHS?

Local charity RedbridgeCVSare working with ppre Community Interest Company to develop a new workshop thatwill help local people in Hainault get their voices heard.

Joining the workshop willgive you the opportunity to:

  • Discuss real issues relevant to you and your community, identifying and trying out a variety of possible solutions
  • Gain valuable practical skills and experience in communicating with local organisations
  • Benefit from the insight and experience of local experts
  • Gain information on who to talk to and where to go to get things done
  • Enhance the work of your community group

Register your interest and tell us your ideas for the workshop.

CallMichael Roberts from RedbridgeCVS on or email
Redbridge Concern for Mental Health
98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex