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Have Your Say - Sections 135 and 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983
28 April 2014

Nothing About Us Without Us

What is the consultation about?

The Government is reviewing the operation of Sections 135 and 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983 which give the police powers to temporarily remove people who appear to be suffering from a mental health condition and who need urgent care to a 'place of safety', so that a mental health assessment can be carried out and appropriate arrangements made for their care. A place of safety in the majority of cases is a hospital, but sometimes police stations are used.

Tell us what you think?

We will be submitting a response and we want to find out the views, experiences and stories of people who have experienced being detained under these parts of the Mental Health Act.

We also want to hear from families, friends and carers as well as approved mental health professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers and others.

Things to consider

Below are just some of the questions and issues which you might like to consider. Maybe you want to tell us about one experience. Or perhaps you have strong views on all the questions. Whether it is a short reply just covering one issue or many please do let us know what you think

1) Have you been taken to a Police Cell as a place of safety?

2) What are your views about a Police Cell being used as a place of safety?

3) What is your view or experience of communication between the Police, Mental Health Professionals and Social Workers?

4) What do you think about Emergency Departments and A&Es in hospitals being used as places of safety? Has this happened to you?

5) How long have you had to wait for a mental health assessment?

6) What do you think of Tasers being used during a section? Have you been subjected to a Taser?

7) Is it important to use an unmarked vehicle to preserve the dignity of the person?

8) What are your views on the level of Police training on mental health? Is is adequate?

10) People can be detained under section 136 for up to 72 hours with no review required (this compares with 24 hours for people arrested for a criminal offence). What do you think? Is this fair?

Please tell us what you think by contacting Jon Abrams


For further information and if you would like to read the full consultation document and you can find out more

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Redbridge Concern for Mental Health
98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex