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Redbridge Concern Enews Bulletin

Redbridge’s child mental health services temporarily cut 

According to a recent article in the Ilford Recorder the North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) will be closing the Hear and Now waiting list, a service used to provide treatment to children aged 11-18 struggling with depression. They will also no longer be accepting new referrals for ADHD or autism.

A NELFT spokesman insisted the changes were only temporary.  He said: “There are a number of funding pressures across health and social care nationally and we are currently working with our commissioners to look at how we can best meet the needs of our patients while addressing this issue. The current position with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services is temporary and we will be looking to review this.

Jon Abrams, from Redbridge Concern for Mental Health, said: “It is very worrying as we have been told by a number of parents in Redbridge that some young adults and children have real problems accessing support from CAMHS. Other parents have explained to us their concerns about the lack of continuity of care for their children."

“Children and adolescents often took a long time to seek help, and it is disheartening that young people trying to access specialist CAMHS services may have to wait months for treatment.”

You can read the full article here

Redbridge Celebrates Older People's Week

Redbridge will once again be celebrating UK Older People's day with a week-long programme of events from Monday 26 September to Friday 30 September. A variety of different events and taster session will be taking place throughout the week. Many events are FREE and open to all.

Monday 26 September

  • History: The British Enlightment, 2pm - 4pm  - The Drive Methodist Church. FREE. Booking is required, call
  • Keep Fit - Redbridge Town Hall. FREE. Booking is required as there are only 5 free spaces available. Call

Tuesday 27 September

  • Healthy, Wealthy, Safe and Wise Fair, 10am - 3pm - Redbridge Central Library & the Kenneth Moor Theatre

Wednesday 28 September

  • Tai Chai, 1pm - 2pm - Redbridge Town Hall. FREE. Booking is required as there are only 5 free spaces available. Call
You can download the brochure detailing all the events  here

Forest Farm Ecotherapy Programme


We all experience the incredible benefits of being close to Nature, and engaging in physical activity outdoors. If you know somebody who could benefit from joining Forest Farm's Ecotherapy Programme please contact Sarah-Jane, Ecotherapy Worker for more info regarding referrals at:

Have your say - Redbridge Council consultations

Redbridge Counicl is currently running two very important consultations that will see Redbridge and Ilford change considerably, we would appreciate if you would please circulate the information below to your contacts and to residents so they have a chance to have their say.
Ilford Public Realm consultation
Major improvements have been unveiled for Ilford High Road. Redbridge Council want your views on the plans for Ilford in our Ilford Public Realm consultation, a multi-million pound boost for major street improvements which is set to transform Ilford High Road.
Ambitious plans will create new high-quality, accessible public spaces, and alongside the arrival of Crossrail, the major street improvements will help to fundamentally revitalise Ilford Town Centre. The proposed improvements will take place at Ilford High Road (from the crossroads with Cranbrook Road through to the area outside Ilford Police Station) and will include the following connecting side streets: Clements Lane, Clements Road and Chadwick Road. The proposed improvements will take place between 2017 and 2019.

Find out more and have your say on the Public Realm Consultation
Redbridge Local Plan
Redbridge Council is asking for residents’ views on the Redbridge Local Plan 2015 – 2030 which sets out a vision for new homes, jobs and infrastructure in the borough over the next 15 years following approval for consultation at Full Council in July.
The Local Plan is the main planning document used to ensure that new developments are of the right type, in the right place, and at the right time.
The Local Plan responds to key challenges and new opportunities such as a rising population, housing growth, boosting the economy, maximising benefits of Crossrail and providing the social and community infrastructure that residents and businesses need. Our population is growing rapidly and is estimated to rise by 65,000 over next 15 years, reaching 362,000 by 2030. This means we must identify ways to provide homes, schools and community facilities.
Redbridge Council want your views on the ‘soundness’ of the Plan by the end of September. The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out four tests of soundness against which the Local Plan will be assessed by an independent Planning Inspector.

Find out more and have your say on the Local Plan

NELFT NHS Foundation Trust Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 5 October 2016, 5pm to 7pm

NELFT NHS Foundation Trust is inviting all members of the public, including stakeholders and members, to its Annual General Meeting.The NELFT AGM will give local people the chance to hear about the achievements the trust has made over the past financial year and a look ahead to the next 12 months.

There will be the opportunity for members of the public, service users and patients, carers and voluntary organisations to meet members of the NELFT executive management team, including the chief executive, and take part in a ‘Question Time-style’ panel with leaders from across the organisation. There will also be
information stalls from a range of our services and the opportunity to talk with staff.

For further information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Helen Essex, NELFT trust secretary, on or email 

Venue: CEME Centre, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8EU

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We're here to help… It can be difficult having to cope alone and it is often impossible to see a clear way through. Whether your issues are caused by problems you face every day, or by events that have happened in your past - Talking Therapies can help.

We’re a free and confidential NHS service that will work with you to help you feel better. We offer expert support from people who know what you’re experiencing and our highly professional team will introduce you to effective, practical techniques that are proven to work. 

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and find out more about how local people are raising the voice of mental health

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Every Thursday from 10.30 to 12.30

Run Up facilitates a mental health Peer Support Group every Thursday at 98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford
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