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Redbridge Concern Enews Bulletin

The Mental Health Challenge

Redbridge Council can make a big different to people of all ages by promoting better mental health. The Mental Health Challenge has been set up by a number of leading charities and the Royal College of Psychiatrists to support local authorities. 

The Mental Health Challenge sets out ten actions that will enable councils to promote mental health across all of their business.

  1. Appoint an elected member as ‘mental health champion’ across the council
  2. Identify a lead officer for mental health to link in with colleagues across the council
  3. Follow the implementation framework for the mental health strategy where it is relevant to the council’s work and local needs
  4. Work to reduce inequalities in mental health in our community

 Read more here.

Talking Therapies in Redbridge

North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) is asking you to look after your mental health by contacting its talking therapies service if you are experiencing depression or anxiety disorders such as:

  • panic attacks
  • anxiety
  • excessive worry
  • phobias
  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • agoraphobia
  • obsessive compulsive disorder
  • stress
  • relationship difficulties

There are many types of talking therapies available and some are better for certain problems, conditions and people than others. To find out more contact talking therapies by calling: or emailing 

Compassion for Voices: 
a tale of courage and hope

A film about the compassionate approach to relating with voices, with potential for use as a therapeutic, educational, and de-stigmatising tool.

Watch the film 

JAMI is recruiting volunteers 
to visit people in Hospital

Jami  provides Mental Health Services to the Jewish Community and has done so for the past 25 years. One of the organisations most important and successful projects has been arranging Volunteer visits to those isolated in hospital mental health units in North London.

We now wish to extend this service to North East London and need to recruit Volunteers who live in the Redbridge area and who will be willing to both visit patients in hospital and assist us when we organise interfaith events.

Jami provides training and our Hospital Visitors attend regular supervision and are invited to attend learning and development sessions. This is a rewarding and challenging opportunity to assist us in giving hope and encouragement to patients with mental health related problems.

contact:- Avril Gilmour or Brian Weisman on:
or email 

Round Up of Local Events

News Round Up

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Call NELFT Mental Health Direct on:
Financial Support
Run Up Newsletter

Read and download the latest Run up newsletter 
and find out more about how local people are raising the voice of mental health
Hate Crime Reporting Centre

Is someone hurting you because of who you are? 

Call us on   and we'll tell you about the range of options and support available to you.
Through the Tunnel

Our own Interim project-coordinator, Ian blogs about his recovery journey

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