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Redbridge Concern Enews Bulletin

Mental health support 'denied to children'

According to a report on the BBC website, more than a quarter of children referred to mental health services in England in 2015 - including some who had attempted suicide - received no help.

A review by the Children's Commissioner also found that 13% with life-threatening conditions were not allowed specialist support. She said the system was "playing Russian roulette" with their health. NHS England said it was "clearly the case" that services need to expand.

The commissioner obtained data from 48 of England's 60 child and adolescent mental health service trusts, and discovered 28% of child referrals were denied specialist treatment - mostly on the grounds that their illness was not serious enough.

This group included children who had attempted serious self-harm and those with psychosis and anorexia nervosa. It also found that those who secured treatment faced lengthy delays, with an average waiting time of more than 100 days.

Find out more on the BBC website  

Redbridge Carers Week events 2016

The theme of this year’s Carers Week is Carer Friendly Communities. Throughout June lots of different information and outreach stalls, workshops and activities will be taking place across Redbridge. You can find out more on Redbridge i 

Redbridge Carers Support Service has organised an Advice and Information Day at Redbridge Central Library (Gloucester Room)

Date: Friday 24 June 2016
Time: 10am to 3pm
FREE, no booking required

Daffodils Advocacy Project - volunteers wanted

Daffodils are looking for volunteers who use learning disability services for their new Care Act training project

This project is about:

  • Training volunteers on the new Care Act 2014
  • Understanding their rights
  • Training others with a learning disability about their rights

If you would like to be a part of this project, or for more information please contact Jodie by 10th June 2016 on:

Volunteers wanted - World Music Day at Forest Farm Peace Garden

Date: Sunday, 10th July 2016

Forest Farm Peace Garden is looking for volunteers to ensure the smooth running of World Music Day. We are looking for event stewards who can support us with:

  • Setting up activity tables
  • Engaging in creative activities with children,
  • Providing information
  • Reception desk
  • Cooking and serving food
  • Clear Up

2 shifts available

  • Morning: 10.30am – 2pm
  • Afternoon: 2pm - 5.30pm

Please contact Anna if you want to get involved

Work stress? Money worries? Difficulty sleeping? Feeling low? We're here to help.....

We're here to help… It can be difficult having to cope alone and it is often impossible to see a clear way through. Whether your issues are caused by problems you face every day, or by events that have happened in your past - Talking Therapies can help.

We’re a free and confidential NHS service that will work with you to help you feel better. We offer expert support from people who know what you’re experiencing and our highly professional team will introduce you to effective, practical techniques that are proven to work. 

Find out more here

Refugee Week

Thursday 16 June to Sunday 30 June

Thousands of people across the country from all walks of life will join together to celebrate Refugee Week through a programme of arts, cultural and educational events and activities that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK and promote better understanding of why people seek sanctuary.

Redbridge Libraries and its partners are proud to offer a warm welcome to all residents during Refugee Week 2016. Although most events in the programme are free (unless otherwise stated), we would instead be grateful if you could bring food donations for our food bank collections or consider making a donation to the many local or national charities supporting refugees, some of whom appear in our programme.

Find out more about the different activities and events on Redbridge i

Independent Living Service Survey - 2016

This Survey is for Disabled and Older Adults who need help and support with independent living.

This short survey is being carried out by a group of organisations and activists who are interested in independent living. We want to know about the experiences of people who access support from their local authority and find out whether choice and control over that support is changing.

To help us understand these issues we would be extremely grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete this short survey to share your own experiences.

You can ask someone to help you complete this survey or they may complete it on your behalf with your agreement.

You can complete the survey here

MacMillan's 3rd Engagement Event for Mental Health and Cancer Taskforce

Wednesday 20th July, 10.00am – 4.00pm

Have you had cancer and found that the experience impacted on your emotional and mental health? Or perhaps you had pre-existing mental health problems and then developed cancer as well? Have you cared for or supported someone who experienced both cancer and mental health problems?

MacMillan are holding a co-design and partnership event for people affected by both cancer and mental health problems to come together with Macmillan staff and healthcare professionals to better define the problems faced by people with this dual lived experience and to co-design solutions to these problems.

The event will be structured and interactive, but led by the views and input of those attending. Lunch and refreshments will be provided free. The venue is fully accessible and a 3 minute walk from Euston Station, London, NW1

To express interest in participating, please email , telling the team a bit about yourself and why you would like to attend; if you are not online, please phone Anna on to leave a message and MacMillan will call you back.

You will be asked a bit about yourself and what your experience has been before you are offered a place, as MacMillan wants to ensure that they get a good mix of people in the room in terms of ethnicities, ages, gender, types of cancer and mental health problem, and the area you come from.

Workplace and mental health focus groups

Do you experience mental health problems at work? Or, do you manage someone who experiences mental health problems at work? Or, are you an HR lead working with people with mental health problems at work?

The Mental Health Foundation is  looking to understand how to better recognise, address and prevent mental health problems in work and through work. The organisation is interested to learn more about what support both people with mental health problems and employers need to keep people well in work.

You are invited to take part in a focus group with peers to share your experiences in this area. There will be separate focus groups for:

  • People who experience mental health problems in work
  • Line managers

If you are interested in being involved, please call or Lauren Chakkalackal, Senior Research Officer at the Mental Health Foundation,  (phone: ) with your contact details including your name, telephone number and an ideal time for the team to call you back.

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Run Up Newsletter

Read and download the latest Run Up newsletter
and find out more about how local people are raising the voice of mental health

NELFT offers therapies for individuals and couples. To find out more contact:

click here for on-line referral

Weekly Peer Support Group

Every Thursday from 10.30 to 12.30

Run Up facilitates a mental health Peer Support Group every Thursday at 98-100 Ilford Lane, Ilford
Financial Support
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