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Redbridge Concern Enews Bulletin

Could you volunteer to support learners with mild to moderate mental health conditions?

Redbridge Institute is looking for volunteers to support the exciting, new Learning in mind project - a pilot programme of courses starting in September to help people with mild to moderate mental health conditions, in particular anxiety, depression and sleeping disorders. 

Volunteers will have the opportunity to contribute to some of the following:
  • Co-designing courses
  • Assisting in pre-assessments and teaching and learning activities
  • Organising and supporting top-up workshops and drop-ins
  • Promoting the Learning in mind programme
All volunteers will complete a volunteer induction; receive training and support and have an opportunity to gain accreditation.

For more information and an application pack, please contact Errolie Sermaine at Redbridge Institute: 
Carers Have Your Say
Strategy Meeting 

Tuesday 18th August 2015, 10am – 1pm
Gloucester Room, Central Library, Ilford

Join in table top discussions and have your say about the challenges carers face and what solutions you would like to see in the refreshed Joint Strategy for Carers in Redbridge.

Hear from key speakers in Health and Social Care:
  • Geoff Sherlock,  LBR Chief Officer Adult Social Services
  • Nicola Parry, LBR Principal Officer Strategy & Development
  • Trina Draper & Natalie Keefe, NHS Primary Care Transformation & Commissioning 
A light buffet lunch will be provided at 1.00pm

To book your place, call Redbridge Carers  on

Caring for People with Psychosis and Schizophrenia

Explore the key issues related to caring for a relative with psychosis or schizophrenia, with this short, free, two-week online course. 

Psychosis conditions, including schizophrenia, are treatable mental health problems that can affect anyone although very few people talk about the conditions and their impact on families. This two-week course will explore some of the key issues and questions relevant to a
carer who is supporting a relative with psychosis such as:

  • Why is schizophrenia described as psychosis?
  • How can we best understand psychosis and its key symptoms such as hearing voices?
  • What are the links between cannabis use and developing psychosis?
  • Can psychosis affect physical health?
  • How do medications in psychosis work and what effects can they have?
  • In what ways are siblings of people with psychosis affected?
  • How can psychosis affect a carer’s health and their relationships?
Find out more and sign up here

New Handy Person Scheme

Redbridge has a new handy person scheme which can carry out small repairs for a low fee.

The service is for people who are:

  • Aged 60 years of age or over; or
  • Disabled or have a long term serious illness or health problem which makes it difficult to carry out the work; or
  • Awaiting discharge from hospital.

The kind of jobs they can help with include:

  • changing light bulbs
  • changing locks
  • unblocking a sink
  • changing tap washers
  • fitting grab/handrails
  • putting up curtain rails
  • replacing broken toilet seats
  • replacing small areas of bathroom or kitchen tiles
  • fitting door bells
  • renewing bath sealants
  • repairing small areas of fencing
  • assembling furniture

For more information and to access the service, call the Redbridge Handyperson Scheme on or email them at .

Full details of the scheme are available on the HEET website.

Do you find it difficult to get to the dentist?
There are many reasons why some people may find it difficult to see a high street dentist. These can include:
  • mental health problems or social impairment
  • physical or learning disabilities
  • being housebound
  • having complex medical problems
  • being nervous about dental treatment
  • emotional or sensory impairment
If you have any of these issues the Community Dental Team may be able to help.

Ask your GP or Healthcare Practitioner to refer you or call us on / 2027 to discuss what we can do for you
Talking Therapies in Redbridge

If you are over 18 and are not already being treated and  experiencing depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, relationship difficulties, obsessive behaviour, stress or post traumatic stress disorder North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) offers therapies for individuals and couples who are over 18 so i
To find out more contact talking therapies:

  • Tel:  
  • Email: 
  • refer on-line:
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and find out more about how local people are raising the voice of mental health
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