Launch of Good Gym Redbridge
18 July 2016
This newest London GoodGym is a part of a nationwide community of runners who get fit by doing good.Instead of lifting weights they shift earth for community gardens and help out with local physical tasks. Instead of running on treadmills they run tovisitisolated older people. You can find out all about them on their website
GoodGym Redbridgewas initiated by group of local residents.
The launch run is happening from Wanstead House Community Associationat 18.45 on Monday 25th July and they will be running from there to a local community allotment tohelp out. Thisunique project is aimed at helping children, young people and adults with learning difficulties. They need more volunteers to help to get the allotment up and running and what better way to exercise than by reaping the rewards of what you sow, literally!
Good Gym Redbridge will then be running every Monday from Wanstead House Community Associationto help a whole range of community organisations in the local area.
They invite everyone to come down to meet the group and if they would like to, take part in the run.The run won't be too long (about 5km) andit would be great to have help on the task if people have time. The details are below.
Date:Monday 25th July, 18.45
Location: Wanstead House Community Association,21 The Green, London E11 2NT
There will be a secure place to leave your bags and the run and task in total will take about 90 mins.