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Redbridge Concern Enews Bulletin

Mental Health in the manifestos

All the political parties are talking about mental health in their manifestos. Mind have put together an at-a-glance guide which you can read here

Life in Redbridge is Unfair

During the course of 2014, Redbridge Disability Consortium,  held a number of focus groups with people from the Deaf, vision impaired, hard of hearing and disabled communities to talk about and explore the day-to-day challenges of living in Redbridge.

The overarching feeling and experience amongst the majority of the 200 plus participants was that life in Redbridge has been extremely unfair.

You can find out more here

Help shape the future of 
mental health services

NHS England has announced a new Mental Health Taskforce which will develop a five-year national strategy for mental health, covering all ages. The strategy will be informed by a wide range of lived experience and professional expertise, and so this is a great opportunity for your voice to be heard.

Rethink Mental Illness has joined up with Mind to run a survey to gather your views, which will be submitted back to the Taskforce. The survey is now open and will close on 15th May 2015.

You can access the survey here
Round Up of Local Events
  • Peer Support Group - 7 May, 11am
  • Redbridge Music Lounge - 20 May, 11am
  • Run Up Network Meeting - 27 May, 5.30pm
  • Redbridge Local Forum -28 May, 6pm
Talking Therapies in Redbridge

North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) is asking you to look after your mental health by contacting its talking therapies service if you are experiencing depression, panic attacks, stress, relationship difficulties or anxiety disorders. 

There are many types of talking therapies available and some are better for certain problems, conditions and people than others.

To find out more contact talking therapies:

  • Tel:  
  • Email: 
Vacancy: Peer Researcher

RedbridgeCVS is undertaking research for the Redbridge Fairness Commission which has been set up to investigate poverty and inequality in Redbridge and look at how the Council and its partners are taking action to address it. RedbridgeCVS is now recruiting Peer Researchers to conduct one-to-one interviews with Redbridge residents to gather their views on aspects of life in Redbridge that they feel are unfair.

Full training will be given and researchers will be paid to attend the two training days, to undertake four one-to-one interviews. Peer Researchers will gain useful skills and experience – as well as helping to raise the voices of local people in important discussions about the future of Redbridge.

£9.15 per hour (plus travel expenses) for approximately 18 hours (during May and June 2015).

You can find out more here
No voice unheard, 
no right ignored 
Consultation on strengthening rights and choices for
people to live in the community

The Department of Health is currently consulting on how to strengthen the rights of people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues so they can live independently.

The consultation explores options on issues such as how people can be supported to live independently, as part of a community; be assured that their views will be listened to and know that professionals are looking out for their physical health needs as well as their mental health needs.

Your views are important, and the responses that the Government receives will help to inform what happens next. For more information or to complete the consultation click here.

The One Stop Shop is now 
appointments only

The One Stop Shop has moved to appointments only and no longer provides a walk-in service - apart for the exceptions listed below. These changes will save you time and make your visits quicker and more efficient. You will be able to pre-book your appointment either online or through the Customer Contact Centre.

You can still drop in for the following services:

  • Drop box for completed forms and applications
  • Collecting Green Garden Waste Bags - you will need to provide proof of your Redbridge address
  • Viewing Traffic Orders and Legal Notices

You can find out more on Redbridge i

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